
Przykładowe ocenione wypowiedzi

Temat 1.

Unification is one of the keywords describing the aims of the European Union. A heated debate has been provoked recently by one of the projects concerning education, namely the introduction of a unified history textbook in schools across the EU. Such a coursebook would surely bring some benefits, but opponents list many a danger such a move would entail.

If we look at it from the perspective of European Union integration, the idea seems brilliant. Nowadays history textbooks are definitely biased. The school curricula cover mostly national history and present it from the point of view of the nation concerned. This, in turn, is the source of misunderstandings and may spur the growth of nationalism. Therefore, a unified textbook presenting a diversity of viewpoints is considered a suitable remedy.

Another advantage of such a textbook is the chance to put European history right. No matter how herculean the task seems, an objective version of European history would be much appreciated. And while we should not expect wonders, a concerted effort of international experts may be a real step forward.

However, opponents claim that the change would not eradicate the problems, it would only bring about different ones. While aimed at reconciliation and the strengthening of bonds between member states, the move is bound to stimulate conflicts concerning the content of the textbook, the choice of experts creating it, the selection of historical events, to name but a few. The cost of this research is going to be astronomical but the chances of success are really meagre.

Finally, we have to consider the risks for adolescents and society at large. It is obvious that the amount of national history in the school programmes will have to be reduced and consequently we may end up with a homogeneous European society, completely devoid of its roots and national identity.

To sum up, I would like to say that this major change in education would surely have numerous advantages but the cost and resources which would have to be put into creating such a coursebook may not be worthwhile.

Punktacja: 15/15.

Zgodność z poleceniem – 5 punktów:

elementy treści: teza adekwatna do tematu, trzy elementy tematu odpowiednio rozwinięte (wprowadzenie takiego samego podręcznika do historii w krajach Unii Europejskiej, argumenty za, argumenty przeciw), podsumowanie wypowiedzi adekwatne do tematu, praca nie zawiera fragmentów odbiegających od tematu;

elementy formy: poprawnie umiejscowiona teza, uwzględnione wszystkie części pracy (wstęp, rozwinięcie i zakończenie) z zachowaniem właściwych proporcji między nimi, pełna konsekwencja w układzie graficznym pracy, długość pracy w granicach określonych w poleceniu.

Spójność i logika wypowiedzi – 2 punkty: wypowiedź w całości spójna i logiczna na poziomie zdania, akapitu i całego tekstu.

Zakres środków językowych – 4 punkty: urozmaicone struktury gramatyczne, bogate słownictwo i frazeologia, zachowany jednorodny styl, adekwatny do treści i formy.

Poprawność środków językowych – 4 punkty: praca nie zawiera błędów.

Temat 2.


It seems to me that over the last few years events organised to increase the environmental awareness of society have become an everyday reality. Events, media campaigns, advertisements promoting eco-friendly products; millions of dollars spent to drill ecological behaviour into society. And what is the outcome? Are we ready to pay the price for saving the Earth?

Last Saturday, I felt the urge to research the problem for our magazine and joined the crowds attending “Green Fair”, a widely-publicised event sponsored by our local authorities. At first glance everything seemed right. Colourful banners, recycling bins, environmental activists preaching about ‘the increasing levels of carbon dioxide’, ‘the depletion of the ozone layer’ and ‘rain forest destruction’. And then I noticed that, ironically, the fair had little to do with ecology. Literally thousands of paper leaflets flying around, organic products consumed on plastic plates, bottles and cans thrown around or discarded in rubbish bins. And, to top it all, an open air concert and fireworks display. Amazingly, nobody seemed to care how much energy those flickering lights and sound system consumed!

I have been wondering since then how effective all those commercially-driven events really are. After all, the discrepancy between what was preached and actually done, went mostly unnoticed by most participants. In fact, many people I talked to on that day claimed that the event taught them a lesson and would definitely make an impact on the way they ran their households. Arguably, then, in this individual aspect, such events make sense. However, I must admit I am dubious about their effectiveness for a society as a whole. Money is said to make the world go round, and as long as being green is expensive, we cannot expect large scale gains. It is one thing to know what to do, and quite another put the principles into practice.

Remembering the “Green Fair” I just hope that in the privacy of our homes, we practise what was preached much better than the organisers and our small steps will turn out to be a leap for humanity.

Punktacja: 15/15.

Zgodność z poleceniem – 5 punktów:

elementy treści: wstęp zawiera wprowadzenie do tematu, trzy elementy tematu odpowiednio rozwinięte (sprawozdanie oraz opinia w odniesieniu do dwóch wskazanych aspektów), podsumowanie wypowiedzi adekwatne do tematu, praca nie zawiera fragmentów odbiegających od tematu;

elementy formy: artykuł ma tytuł, uwzględnione wszystkie części pracy (wstęp, rozwinięcie i zakończenie) z zachowaniem właściwych proporcji między nimi, pełna konsekwencja w układzie graficznym pracy, długość pracy w granicach określonych w poleceniu.

Spójność i logika wypowiedzi – 2 punkty: wypowiedź w całości spójna i logiczna na poziomie zdania, akapitu i całego tekstu.

Zakres środków językowych – 4 punkty: urozmaicone struktury gramatyczne, bogate słownictwo i frazeologia, zachowany jednorodny styl, adekwatny do treści i formy.

Poprawność środków językowych – 4 punkty: praca nie zawiera błędów.
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