

Wypowiedź 1. 
Woman: I’m calling to share my point of view on dieting and healthy living. I used to go on diets but they didn’t work for me. Then I started jogging and working out five days a week. Over the last 6 months I’ve lost 10 kilos and I feel great. I’ve heard that many diets are harmful to your health. Take a lot of physical exercise and you won’t need them!

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Wypowiedź 2. 
Man: And now some news from South Korea. Overweight animals in a zoo in Seoul will go on a diet. Animals have been eating large amounts of processed food for the last few years. As a result they’ve grown too big and lots of health problems have appeared. That’s why the zoo workers have decided to feed these animals on natural food and limit the processed foods. Let’s hope they will get better soon.

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Wypowiedź 3. 
Woman: Today I’d like to talk about eating to be healthy. You don’t have to follow strange diets to be in good shape. If you eat the right products, you’ll feel fine, have a lot of energy, and be in a great mood. In general, you should eat less unhealthy food, for example, sweets, cakes or chips. Instead, eat fresh fruit and vegetables. You won’t necessarily lose weight but it will definitely make you healthier.

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Wypowiedź 4. 
Man: Robert and his wife Jennifer went on a diet. It had recipes for each meal of the day. They followed the recipes, eating only half of what they prepared. They thought the diet was great. They had never felt better, and they didn’t feel hungry. However, the couple realized that they were putting on weight. They decided to look at the recipes one more time. And then they noticed that the recipes were for six people!

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