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język angielski - zadania wielokrotnego wyboru na poziomie rozszerzonym - rozumienie tekstów pisanych

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Zadanie 4.
Przeczytaj dwa teksty związane z życiem szkolnym nastolatków. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Tekst 1

The longest day of my life began slowly. I woke up late, took too long in the shower, and ended up having to enjoy my breakfast cereals in the passenger seat of my mom’s minivan at 7:17 that Wednesday morning. I usually got a ride to school with my best friend, Ben Starling, but Ben had gone to school on time, making him useless to me. ‘On time’ for us was thirty minutes before school actually started, because the half hour before the first bell was the highlight of our social calendars: standing outside the side door that led into the band room and just talking. Most of my friends were in the band, and most of my free time during school was spent within twenty feet of the band room. Being in the band was the envy of all the kids from school except for me. I suffer from tone deafness, which means I am unable to distinguish between musical notes, so I knew I wouldn’t pass the audition.

I was going to be twenty minutes late, which technically meant that I’d still be ten minutes early for school itself.

As she drove, Mom was asking me about classes, the finals and prom.

‘I don’t believe in prom. Besides, I don’t have a date,’ I reminded her as she rounded a corner. I expertly angled my bowl of cereals to accommodate the g-forces. I’d done this before.

‘Well, there’s no harm in just going with one of the girls from your class, Tom. I’m sure you could ask Cassie Hiney.’ Sure I could have asked Cassie, who was actually perfectly nice and pleasant and cute. But now it was too late as she already had a prom date.

‘It’s not just that I don’t like prom. I also don’t like people who like prom,’ I explained, although this was, in fact, untrue. Ben and a whole bunch of others went absolutely nuts about the idea of going.

Mom turned into school and I held the mostly empty bowl with both hands as we drove over a speed bump. I glanced over at the senior parking lot. Cassie Hiney’s silver Honda was parked in its usual spot. Mom pulled up the minivan outside the band room and kissed me on the cheek. I could see Ben and my other friends standing in a semicircle. I walked up to them, and the half circle effortlessly expanded to include me. They were talking about my ex- girlfriend Suzie Chung, who played the cello and was apparently creating quite an excitement by dating a baseball player named Taddy Mac. And Suzie had decided to go to prom with Taddy Mac. ‘Poor guy,’ I laughed, hiding my disappointment.

‘Bro,’ said Ben, standing across from me. Ben had been my best friend since fifth grade, when we both finally accepted the fact that neither of us was likely to attract anyone else as a best friend. Plus, he tried hard, and I liked that—most of the time.

adapted from Paper Towns by John Green

Zadanie 4.1.
Tom was given a lift to school by his mother because
Zadanie 4.2.
After being asked about the prom, Tom
Zadanie 4.3.
Which sentence is TRUE about Tom?

Tekst 2.

I guess, for anyone who turned 16 in the days before social media, the school leavers’ ball, the predecessor of today’s prom, was probably a bitter disappointment. It was because most boys wore ill-fitting suits and disgusting amounts of hair gel while girls sported nylon dresses and shiny shoes. Thankfully, the only photographic evidence of these pre- Facebook/Tumblr/Instagram parties is a few blurry snaps, curling at the edges, hidden away in a box under the bed.

However, in the past decade or so the idea of glamorous proms has seeped into the lives of teenagers in the UK. ‘Apparently, ninety-five per cent of schools have a big summer party or prom now,’ says Monique Wyatt, co-founder of Myschool Proms. ‘In order to get their dresses and suits, students get summer jobs and start saving up anything up to two years ahead. Some spend £1,000 on clothes and accessories alone. There are also teachers who say students and their parents are pushing for five-star hotel venues, and boys who pay to hire fire trucks or milk floats so they look unusual when they arrive.’

‘Prom as a concept has been brought from across the Atlantic, just as Halloween did before it,’ says Melanie Berry, a sociologist. ‘The first proms started in UK senior schools six or seven years ago as a celebration of leaving school. Now, it seems they are becoming popular even with primary school students who grew up with Hannah Montana and other Disney Channel imports. It’s like a rite of passage, a chance to celebrate an important ‘first’ in their lives.’ From the schools’ perspective, according to Berry’s research, the majority of teachers use prom as a carrot and sometimes as a stick, too: ‘They can say, if you don’t work hard, you won’t be allowed to go to prom. Study hard and you’ll have the best school memories ever’.
adapted from www.theguardian.com

Zadanie 4.4.
Which of the following is stated in the text as an opinion, not a fact?
Zadanie 4.5.
The narrator attempts to
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