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język angielski - słowotwórstwo, zadania na poziomie rozszerzonym

Zadanie: 1 2
Zadanie 2.
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adapted from www.telegraph.co.uk
Zadanie 2.1.
In Buckinghamshire, an unemployed metal-detecting enthusiast hit the jackpot in June 2014. Paul Coleman was lucky enough to uncover more than 5,000 silver coins that had been buried in the (PICTURE) village of Aylesbury almost a millennium ago. Their value has been estimated at more than £1 million.
Zadanie 2.2.
For a man so short of cash that he could (BARE) afford the petrol to get to the field, it was a wonderful present. For historians, too.
Zadanie 2.3.
The coins found by Mr Coleman date from the reign of Aethelred II, who ruled England between 978 and 1016. The coins were buried with such care that their faces are preserved unscratched as they were placed in a lead (CONTAIN).
Zadanie 2.4.
At first the local authorities tried to keep the exact location of the find (CONFIDE) to avoid the arrival of hundreds of treasure hunters to the village. But it turned out to be impossible and many of them poured to Aylesbury as soon as they heard about the treasure.
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