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język angielski - przykładowe zadania - poziom dwujęzyczny

Zadanie: 1 2 3 4 5
Zadanie 3.
For questions 3.1.–3.5., think of one word only which can be used appropriately to complete all three sentences. Write the missing word in the space provided.
Zadanie 3.1.

• Edward fell to the ground as a ... pain shot up his ankle suddenly.
• The light was poor and my hands weren't very steady, so many photographs weren't ... .
Lufengosaurus probably ate plants, but its teeth were ... and it may have also eaten small animals.
Zadanie 3.2.

• Fortunately, there was a ... in the weather and Steve and his friends managed to get a day's fishing in.
• The dish was a ... from the norm and the only thing I would add is some garlic, the flavor just needed a little kick to it.
• Taking the family on a well-earned ... may be top of your priority list this Easter and if it is then you have plenty of options.
Zadanie 3.3.

• The wind and waves pushed their little boat to shore, where they waited in a little cave until the storm ... .
• Although their debut album ... almost unnoticed, they turned out to be successful in 1969 with a song about a cosmonaut lost in space, Space Oddity.
• She ... the ball to Jared, and he began dribbling it.
Zadanie 3.4.

• Congress may make laws, but the president has the ... to veto them.
• My ultimate goal is to have enough ... from wind and solar sources to run a small observatory.
• When it comes to living in a successful way, your ... to concentrate on the things that matter most is paramount.
Zadanie 3.5.

• Visitors to the restaurant will enjoy breathtaking views of the city at night, including a ... view of St. Joseph’s Cathedral.
• I believe his name was Walter, but my memory is not ... on that point.
• We waited at the entrance until the road was ... and then sprinted through, hoping to reach the end before a truck caught up.
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