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język angielski - uzupełnianie luk w tekście na poziomie podstawowym

Zadanie: 1 2 3
Zadanie 2.
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Uzupełnij litery w lukach, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

A. To my horror, I saw my train slowly departing.
B. The voice, even angrier now, asked for the train to Belfast.
C. About every six miles we stopped at a station.
D. However, there was a delay which made someone angry.
E. I could see there was an enormous, tasty-looking salmon in it.

adapted from A Fishy Story by Somerville & Ross
Zadanie 2.1.
The train arrived. I found a seat and started reading my wife’s letter: If you don’t catch any salmon, I suggest you buy one. ‘Bad luck,’ I thought. I’d forgotten about the fish.
We had just stopped at Carrig station. According to the timetable, we were going to spend ten minutes there. I could hear a man shouting at the stationmaster, “Do you want us to spend the night here?”
Zadanie 2.2.
The stationmaster, who was talking to a boy carrying a long parcel, looked round and said, “Well, who knows?” The man closed the window with a bang, and the boy dropped his parcel. Suddenly, I had an idea. I called to the stationmaster, “Could you ask the boy to sell me his fish?”
Zadanie 2.3.
“Sorry, sir, he’s only just bought it. But why don’t you run down and get one for yourself at Coffey’s. It’s not far.”
I jumped from the carriage and ran out of the station at top speed. After ten minutes I was back with a salmon in my arms. It had left with all my luggage. I had eight hours of waiting at Carrig.
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źródło: CKE
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