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Five teens from Sarasota, Florida, are making music from garbage. All the Garbage Men band’s instruments are made from recycled objects.

The band started a 3.1. years ago.

Jack Berry, who was in eighth grade at the 3.2. , decided to make a homemade guitar.
After some trials, he ended up building it from a cereal box, a yardstick and toothpicks. When Jack showed the guitar to his friend, Ollie Gray, they had 3.3. to form a band using other homemade instruments and promote recycling in this way.
So they made a horn from pipes and a keyboard from old bottles. “We want to show people 3.4. more to recycling than throwing things away in the bin,” Jack said.

The band, all tenth graders, tries to play a concert every week. They’ve also played on a Tampa, Florida radio station, and auditioned for America’s Got Talent. The teens hope to take their show on the road by touring other states. “We want to show people how important recycling is, and music is the best way to 3.5. to people,” Jack says. Their instruments may be garbage, but their message isn’t.

adapted from www.timeforkids.com
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