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Zadanie 3.
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Uzupełnij w lukach litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

Zadanie 3.1.
A dog lost at sea four months ago has been reunited with its owner after swimming through shark-infested waters of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park to safety.

A black and grey female dog, named Sophie, was swept overboard when the family yacht was hit by a raging storm off Australia’s Queensland coast last November. Distraught owner, Jane Griffith, searched desperately for her beloved Sophie in rough seas near the Whitsunday Islands. But Jane failed to take into account that Sophie was an Australian Cattle Dog, one of a breed renowned for their intelligence and energy.
Zadanie 3.2.
As it turned out, Sophie made good use of her inbred qualities, which also include “no sign of weakness or fragility”. Then, after reaching the shore, she successfully survived by hunting on fish and small rodents.
Zadanie 3.3.
The small volcanic island, fringed by coral reefs, is home to a large koala population and a small group of scientists studying the animals. The castaway dog was rescued when some of the team spotted Sophie. When Jane Griffith accidentally found out that a dog had been found on St Bees Island, she contacted the Marine Parks and Wildlife Department. They agreed to transport the dog back to the Queensland coast. There was an emotional reunion when the owner met the rangers’ boat bringing Sophie to the mainland. When she was let out, she was so excited that she almost knocked her owner over.

Zadanie 3.4.
On hearing Sophie’s survival story, the scientists were amazed. Not often do you hear of dogs surviving if they go for a swim in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. This is because the smell of a wet dog is irresistible to sharks. It appears that apart from being strong and courageous, Sophie is also a very lucky animal.
adapted from www.express.co.uk
Brakujące zdania:

A. She swam nearly six miles to the remote St Bees Island, evading attacks by deadly tiger sharks and hammerheads.

B. Consequently, she had become wild and vicious and didn’t let anyone approach her, let alone touch her.

C. When Jane called the dog’s name, Sophie went crazy, whimpering and banging on a cage.

D. Therefore, the account of a dog covering nearly six miles in these waters seemed incredible.

E. Unable to find her, she feared the dog had been carried out to sea by the boat’s wake and lost forever.

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