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język angielski - uzupełnianie luk w tekście na poziomie rozszerzonym (rozumienie tekstów pisanych)

Zadanie: 1 2 3 4
Zadanie 4.
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery fragmenty. Wypełnij w lukach litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące fragmenty (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: jeden fragment został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

Zadanie 4.1.
French people kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It’s a clichéd scene lifted right out of a romantic comedy you might expect Jennifer Aniston to star in. When their professor presented them with a list of travel aspirations to choose from, the girls in the crowd ooh-ed and aah-ed at the prospect of hugging their loved ones at the top of the iconic iron tower.
Zadanie 4.2.
When it comes to expectations, there are distinct characteristics that separate the more experienced, older travellers from the younger ones. Sure, they still travel to take in sights, but let’s be honest, they are more likely to be engrossed in the social aspects of the places they visit. They are keen to check out the night-life.
Zadanie 4.3.
And of course, there’s also the popularity of social media among the younger generation. They will utilise the complimentary Internet connection and post their photos on Facebook or Instagram.
Zadanie 4.4.
Additionally, festivals and short-stay tours have started gaining popularity recently. Young travellers often plan their holiday around a festival such as the Oktoberfest in Munich. But, as anyone who has ever taken part in such a festival can testify, the nightlife in any region involves some degree of risk – more so when you’re in a foreign country. Take a taxi with your travel companions and make sure you bring along one of those hotel cards with your accommodation’s location, map and contact number.

You don’t have many commitments when you’re young. And seeing new sights will provide many enriching experiences. Travelling is one thing that you spend money on, yet it makes you richer.
adapted from www.thestar.com
Brakujące zdania:

A. There’s now such a thing as a WiFi party where young people just gather in the lobby of their hotel after returning from an excursion.

B. But this place also tops the chart of destinations made by a group of students at a private institution of higher education.

C. Thanks to the Internet a worldwide survey was conducted among 100,000 young travellers to identify their location preferences.

D. This is why it’s best to go in a group when you’re hitting the party scene, and stick to that group.

E. The former would usually go for the food and sightseeing. As for the adolescents, they just want to have fun.

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