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język angielski - zadania wielokrotnego wyboru na poziomie rozszerzonym - znajomość środków językowych

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Zadanie 2.
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adapted from http://news.bbc.co.uk
Zadanie 2.1.
Recently, a reception was held in the Scottish Parliament honour of a bear which saw action in World War II. Wojtek, also called the ‘Soldier Bear’, was adopted by Polish troops and helped them at the Battle of Monte Cassino.
Zadanie 2.2.
Wojtek was rescued as a one-month-old cub in the Middle East in 1943 and as he grew he was trained to carry heavy weapons. After Polish forces had been sent to Europe, it became that the only way to keep the bear was to make him a soldier.
Zadanie 2.3.
So he was given a name, rank and number, and he in the Italian campaign.
Zadanie 2.4.
When the soldiers finished their military service, Wojtek was taken to Edinburgh Zoo where he lived till the end of 1963. Now, efforts by the Wojtek Memorial Trust to build a permanent tribute to the bear.
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źródło: CKE
Polityka Prywatności