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Zadanie: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Zadanie 1.
Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane z żywieniem. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zadanie 1.1.
Tekst 1.

Most reports about the fast food industry are about nothing more than food. However, Fast Food Nation by E. Schlosser presents the effects of the fast food industry on every aspect of American society. Schlosser analyses the industry’s growth by discussing many topics related to young, uneducated workers, the immigrants working in meat-packing factories, and farmers – just to give a few examples. This is not light reading, but it is a ‘must’ if you are interested in the fast food industry and its influence on our society.
adapted from teenink.com

The text is a part of
Zadanie 1.2.
Tekst 2.

Dear Editor,
I’ve read your article about barbecues and how the risk of food poisoning can spoil the whole pleasure. To my mind, preventing food poisoning isn’t about avoiding certain foods. Keeping food in cold places and using the right cooking methods is the most important thing. If you have a barbecue, remember to pre-cook chicken and sausages in the oven, and after a barbecue put any meat that was left into a fridge. Don’t leave meat out of the fridge for a longer period of time and don’t put it in the sun. And one more thing, to prevent flies landing on your food, always put a special cover over the dishes.

adapted from That’s Life

Hannah wrote the letter to
Zadanie 1.3.
Tekst 3.

My brothers and I always looked forward to Wednesday afternoons when Grandma had fresh buns ready. Grandma was the cook in my family and I was her “little helper”. After she died, I became the keeper of the recipes. She shared all her secrets with me, so my family trusts me to keep her cooking tradition going. When I use one of Grandma’s recipes, it often turns out slightly different from the way she made it. My sauce may be thicker and my dishes might taste a bit different, but Grandma’s spirit is in every recipe I try. My family is proud of me, but I know that my Granny taught me everything.
adapted from teenink.com

The narrator of the text believes that
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