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język angielski - zadania wielokrotnego wyboru na poziomie podstawowym - rozumienie tekstów pisanych

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Zadanie 3.
Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane z naukowcami. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zadanie 3.1.
Tekst 1.

When you’re lying on the beach on a sunny day, you may try to keep out the sunlight with sunglasses or a hat. Some scientists have suggested taking a similar strategy with our warming planet. They have proposed to put a ring around the Earth. It would be made with small pieces of the material, already used in sunglasses for years, which would limit the light that gets to the Earth. It might reduce the effects of global warming. However, it’s a very expensive idea.
adapted from www.livescience.com

The text is about
Zadanie 3.2.
Tekst 2.

Einstein was once travelling from Princeton on a train when the conductor appeared and asked for passengers’ tickets. When he came up to Einstein, the scientist reached in his shirt pocket and then his trouser pockets. The ticket wasn’t there, so he searched his briefcase but couldn’t find it. Finally, Einstein started looking under his seat but without success. The conductor said, “Don’t worry, Dr. Einstein! I recognize you. You don’t need a ticket this time.” Einstein looked at him and said, “Young man, I know who I am. But I don’t remember where I’m going.”
adapted from http://esromart.hubpages.com

While travelling on a train, Einstein
Zadanie 3.3.
Tekst 3.

Are you searching for new ideas? If so, come to the Dana Café where you will discover many topics and ideas that science provides. You’ll also explore what being a scientist means.

During an informal evening, you can talk to four enthusiastic scientists about their research, and receive some tips on ‘putting science into fiction’. You will also visit a scientific lab after the event.

You will then be asked to write a short story inspired by some of the science you have heard about, and to take part in the Science Short Story competition. The event will certainly give you ideas for thrilling plots for science-fiction stories, so be sure to join us!

adapted from www.lablit.com

The text is
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